How Do You Know if Work Has Been Done on an Object

Strength in the Management of Deportation

The work done by a constant forcefulness is proportional to the force applied times the displacement of the object.

Learning Objectives

Contrast deportation and distance in constant force situations

Central Takeaways

Primal Points

  • Understanding work is quintessential to understanding systems in terms of their energy, which is necessary for higher level physics.
  • Work is equivalent to the change in kinetic energy of a system.
  • Altitude is not the aforementioned as displacement. If a box is moved 3 meters forward and then 4 meters to the left, the total displacement is 5 meters, not 7 meters.

Key Terms

  • work: A measure of energy expended in moving an object; well-nigh commonly, strength times displacement. No work is done if the object does not move.

Piece of work Done by a Constant Force

When a force acts on an object over a altitude, it is said to have done work on the object. Physically, the work done on an object is the modify in kinetic energy that that object experiences. Nosotros will rigorously bear witness both of these claims.

The term piece of work was introduced in 1826 by the French mathematician Gaspard-Gustave Coriolis as "weight lifted through a height," which is based on the use of early on steam engines to lift buckets of water out of flooded ore mines. The SI unit of work is the newton-meter or joule (J).


One way to validate if an expression is correct is to perform dimensional analysis. We have claimed that piece of work is the change in kinetic energy of an object and that it is besides equal to the forcefulness times the altitude. The units of these two should agree. Kinetic energy – and all forms of energy – take units of joules (J). Also, strength has units of newtons (North) and distance has units of meters (1000). If the 2 statements are equivalent they should be equivalent to one another.

[latex]\text{N} \cdot \text{m} = \text{kg} \frac{\text{one thousand}}{\text{s}^2} \cdot \text{k} = \text{kg} \frac{\text{thousand}^2}{\text{s}^2} = \text{J}[/latex]

Displacement versus Distance

Often times we will be asked to calculate the work done by a force on an object. Every bit we have shown, this is proportional to the forcefulness and the altitude which the object is displaced, not moved. We will investigate two examples of a box being moved to illustrate this.

Example Bug

Here are a few case bug:

(ane.a) Consider a constant force of two newtons (F = 2 N) interim on a box of mass three kilograms (Grand = three kg). Calculate the work done on the box if the box is displaced 5 meters.

(1.b) Since the box is displaced v meters and the forcefulness is 2 N, nosotros multiply the two quantities together. The object'south mass will dictate how fast it is accelerating nether the force, and thus the time information technology takes to move the object from point a to point b. Regardless of how long it takes, the object will take the same displacement and thus the aforementioned work done on information technology.

(2.a) Consider the same box (Thou = iii kg) being pushed by a constant force of four newtons (F = 4 N). It begins at rest and is pushed for five meters (d = 5m). Bold a frictionless surface, calculate the velocity of the box at five meters.

(2.b) We now understand that the work is proportional to the change in kinetic free energy, from this we can calculate the final velocity. What do we know so far? Nosotros know that the block begins at residuum, then the initial kinetic energy must be zippo. From this nosotros algebraically isolate and solve for the concluding velocity.

[latex]\text{Fd} = \Delta \text{KE} = \text{KE}_\text{f} - 0 = \frac{1}{2} \text{thousand} \text{v}_\text{f} ^two \\ \text{v}_\text{f} = \sqrt{2 \frac{\text{Fd}}{\text{one thousand}}} = \sqrt{2 \frac{four\text{North} \cdot 5\text{m}}{2 \text{kg}}} = \sqrt{10} \text{m}/\text{s}[/latex]Nosotros see that the final velocity of the block is approximately three.xv g/s.

Forcefulness at an Angle to Displacement

A force does not have to, and rarely does, act on an object parallel to the direction of motion.

Learning Objectives

Infer how to adjust one-dimensional motion for our three-dimensional globe

Key Takeaways

Fundamental Points

  • Work done on an object along a given direction of motion is equal to the force times the displacement times the cosine of the angle.
  • No work is done forth a management of motility if the force is perpendicular.
  • When considering force parallel to the direction of motion, we omit the cosine term because information technology equals 1 which does non change the expression.

Key Terms

  • dot product: A scalar product.
  • work: A mensurate of energy expended in moving an object; most commonly, force times displacement. No piece of work is done if the object does not move.

The Fundamentals

Upwards until now, we have causeless that whatsoever force acting on an object has been parallel to the management of motility. We have considered our motion to be one dimensional, only acting along the x or y axis. To best examine and empathise how nature operators in our three-dimensional earth, we will first discuss piece of work in two dimensions in order to build our intuition.

A forcefulness does not have to, and rarely does, act on an object parallel to the management of motion. In the past, we derived that W = F d; such that the work washed on an object is the force interim on the object multiplied past the displacement. But this is not the whole story. This expression contains an causeless cosine term, which we exercise not consider for forces parallel to the direction of move. "Why would we practice such a thing? " yous may ask. Nosotros exercise this because the two are equivalent. If the angle of the force forth the management of motility is zero, such that the force is parallel to the direction of move, then the cosine term equals one and does not change the expression. Every bit we increase the forcefulness's bending with respect to the direction of motion, less and less piece of work is done along the direction that we are because; and more and more work is being done in another, perpendicular, direction of motility. This process continues until we are perpendicular to our original direction of motion, such that the angle is 90, and the cosine term would equal zero; resulting in aught work being done along our original management. Instead, we are doing work in another direction!


Angle: Recall that both the force and direction of motion are vectors. When the bending is 90 degrees, the cosine term goes to zero. When along the same management, they equal one.

Let'due south show this explicitly and then look at this phenomena in terms of a box moving along the x and y directions.

We have discussed that work is the integral of the strength and the dot product respect to x. Only in fact, dot production of force and a very small distance is equal to the two terms times cosine of the angle betwixt the 2. F * dx = Fdcos(theta). Explicitly,

[latex]\int_{\text{t}_2}^{\text{t}_1}\text{F}\cdot \text{dx} = \int_{\text{t}2}^{\text{t}i}\text{Fd}cos\theta \text{dx} = \text{Fd}cos\theta[/latex]

A Box Being Pushed

Consider a coordinate system such that we accept x equally the abscissa and y equally the ordinate. More and then, consider a box existence pushed forth the x management. What happens in the post-obit three scenarios?

  • The box is being pushed parallel to the ten direction?
  • The box is being pushed at an bending of 45 degrees to the x direction?
  • The box is being pushed at an angle of 60 degrees to the 10 direction?
  • The box is beingness pushed at an angle of 90 degrees to the ten direction?

In the commencement scenario, we know that all of the strength is acting on the box along the x-direction, which means that work will only be washed along the ten-direction. More than and so, a vertical perspective the box is non moving – it is unchanged in the y direction. Since the force is acting parallel to the direction of motion, the bending is equal to zero and our full piece of work is only the force times the displacement in the x-direction.

In the 2d scenario, the box is existence pushed at an angle of 45 degrees to the x-direction; and thus also a 45 degree angle to the y-direction. When evaluated, the cosine of 45 degrees is equal to [latex]1/\sqrt{2}[/latex], or approximately 0.71. This means is that 71% of the force is contributing to the work along the ten-direction. The other 29% is interim along the y-direction.

In the third scenario, we know that the force is acting at a lx caste angle to the ten-direction; and thus also a thirty degree angle to the y-direction. When evaluated, cosine of 60 degrees is equal to 1/ii. This means that the forcefulness is as acting in the 10 and y-direction! The work washed is linear with respect to both x and y.

In the terminal scenario, the box is being pushed at an bending perpendicular to the ten management. In other words, we are pushing the box in the y-direction! Thus, the box's position will be unchanged and experience no displacement along the ten-axis. The work done in the x direction volition be zero.


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